Hotplug external Monitors on Linux
I am using i3 window manager which is automatically creating workspaces for new monitors.
The problem is that xrandr
is not enabling my external monitors when i plug them in (or remove them when unplugging them).
xrandr --output HDMI2 --auto --left-of eDP1
for example enables your external monitor and put it left of your internal display.
often refers to the internal laptop display.
is a tool which fires events on hardware changes like USB or HDMI hotplug.
udevadm monitor
displays these events on the console.
Create a file named 95-monitor-hotplug.rules
in /etc/udev/rules.d/
with the following content:
KERNEL=="card0", \
ACTION=="change", \
SUBSYSTEM=="drm", \
ENV{DISPLAY}=":0", \
ENV{XAUTHORITY}="/home/felix/.Xauthority", \
Modify the paths to fit your system.
Content of
export DISPLAY=:0
export XAUTHORITY=/home/felix/.Xauthority
function connect() {
xrandr --output $1 --left-of eDP1 --auto
# this moves the current workspace to the new created one from i3
i3 move workspace to output left
function disconnect() {
xrandr --output $1 --off
function main() {
# list of all different HDMI ports on docking stations etc.
for disp in 'DP2' 'HDMI2' ;
xrandr --query | grep "$disp connected" &> /dev/null && connect $disp || disconnect $disp
# restart window manager
i3 restart
# start it forked so the monitor is active
# this is needed because udev activates the monitor
# AFTER this script returns
main &
If you need more explanation of some parts in more detail, let me know in the comments or via email.